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Time: 10.00am-10.45am
Date: Wednesdays, 8 May to 19 June
Where: Castlemaine Community House
Instructor: Karyn Grenfell

In these classes we will relax and focus on our breath using simple yogic breathing techniques. When attention is brought to the breath the mind naturally quietens, releasing strain on the nervous system. By slowing the breath, we slow the mind and by slowing the mind we reduce stress and strain in our bodies.

The class will begin with a couple of preparatory stretches before moving into specific breathing exercises. Beginners welcome.

Please Bring: Yoga mat, cushion & blanket

Date: Wednesdays, 8 May to 19 June (7 sessions)
Time: 10.00am-10.45am
Cost: $126 (Upfront) / $105 (Concession – Upfront) / $20 (Casual)

Facilitator: Karyn Grenfell

Karyn has been teaching yoga in Melbourne since 2001 and has recently moved to Castlemaine with her family. She is the founder of Ashtanga Yoga Melbourne and is a firm believer that everyone can practise yoga and experience the benefits of this ancient practice. All you need to do is show up! She is looking forward to teaching these classes at CCH and meeting new students.