The Community Kitchen Garden, as a Castlemaine Community House program, welcomes all folk of all ages, abilities, levels of interest, knowledge & commitment to come by and be a part of it. This can range from rolling up your sleeves and digging through the worm patch, to a bit of light weeding or simply enjoying a warming cup of tea with gardening volunteers in a peaceful environment.

Located at 30 Templeton Street, Castlemaine, it’s a quiet garden spot hidden within the CBD of Castlemaine.

Join us on Tuesdays, 9:30am-11.30am.

Volunteers of all abilities and levels of garden know-how/experience are welcome to be part of our Community Kitchen Garden. Come to learn, share, connect or just quietly be… up to you!

Sign Up to the Castlemaine Kitchen Garden’s eNews to keep up to speed with whats going on in our garden, useful resources, local events and more!


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