The Good Shepherd Microfinance No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) is there to assist you with unexpected expenses. Don’t be stranger, call 5472 4842 to arrange an appointment with our delightful NILS workers Alison & Leanne!
Am I eligible?
- Earn less that $70,000 annual income (before tax) as a single person or $100,000 annual income (before tax) if you have a partner or children
- OR have a health care card / pension card
- OR have experienced family or domestic violence in the last 10 years
- AND You can show you can afford to repay the loan
What DOES NILS cover:
- Household items such as white goods and furniture
- Some medical and dental services
- Education needs such as computers, books, camps and uniforms
- Car repairs or registration
Does NOT Cover:
- Bills
- Fines
- Holidays
- Be provided in cash amounts
When: Wednesdays (by appointment)
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Where: Castlemaine Community House, 30 Templeton Street