Did you know that Castlemaine Community House rents out spaces for various hire needs!
Classrooms, art spaces & a commercial kitchen! For more information about each space, including hire rates and terms & conditions below.

Facilities Hire Terms & Conditions:
- Keys: For after-hours use, a key can be arranged. Community House will provide details
- Cleaning: The rooms are hired on the understanding that the hirer is responsible for leaving facilities in the same clean and reasonable condition as at the commencement of the hiring period.
- Security and Safety: All windows and doors must be locked before vacating the premises. All lights must be turned off along with any electrical equipment which has been used. Gas stoves are to be double checked that they have been turned off. Hirers are required to read the ‘Emergency Evacuation Procedures’ posted in each room of the building and implement these procedures in the event of an emergency.
- Heating and Cooling: These appliances may be used and must be turned off before vacating the premises.
- Smoking: For the health and safety of all users and staff of Community House, smoking is strictly prohibited within the confines of the buildings.
- Damage to property: Damage to the property by any person or group member using the premises will be paid in full by the person or group responsible for the hire of the building or equipment. Castlemaine Community House has public liability cover, however independent organisations are advised to have their own insurance coverage.
- Cancellation policy: Should you no longer require the room please ensure you advise Community House at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled booking and you will not be charged for the room hire. Notice less than 3 business days may result in you being charged the full room hire rate.
- Termination of venue hire agreement: Castlemaine Community House reserves the right to cancel any venue hire agreement at any time if the hirer fails to comply with the terms and conditions. Additionally, Community House reserves the right to terminate the agreement if the hirer’s activities or events are deemed to be a cause for concern, including but not limited to, activities that may endanger the health and safety of participants, staff, or the public.